Ezra Jacob was born on December 26, 7 lbs. 8 oz., a belated Christmas gift to his family, after a smooth labor and delivery process. Cassie was scheduled for an induction on the 28th, but the morning after Christmas he decided it was time he wanted everyone to meet him:) I was beyond blessed to witness his birth – the first one I’ve ever seen, and it truly increased my amazement in our Creator God! The human body, in all its complexities, gives a loud testimony to our Maker! As a mother of two sons, their birthdays are two of the most powerful and emotional days of my life, and it was truly beautiful to witness this in another family. Thank you so much Cassie and Jake for inviting me to document this wonderful day in your lives!

Heather Kanillopoolos

Wonderful work!! It’s so amazing to be able to witness a birth like this!!

[…] well loved by his family! Just 9 days before this session, I was thrilled to be able to photograph Ezra’s birth and was amazed to see how much he had already grown and changed in just a short week and a half. […]

This was so beautifully and tastefully done. I’m impressed! gorgeous work.

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