So proud to introduce another little precious baby here on the blog this week: Cora Lujean:)  Born a week past her due date, let’s just say her mom and dad (especially momma:) were very anxious to welcome her and are thrilled she’s here!  Seeing Sarah Beth and Jeff experience everything that comes hand in hand with having a newborn, the exhaustion, the roller coaster of emotions, brought me right back to the first weeks of my little boys.  What is most wonderful and surprising about becoming a parent, with any new child, is the depth of love that takes over your heart.  It was so great to see that in Cora’s parents – she is well loved!  Sarah Beth and Jeff are friends of ours so I am excited to say that I get to see this sweetheart as she grows:)  A huge congratulations to you both as you enjoy your new titles of “mommy” and “daddy”!     

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